Fuel price today: Once again in relief of crime-Diesel, today the increase of CNG


New Delhi:

One time charge in the country is about to change in exchange for diesel. Microsoft On April 13, 2022 the government revised the chemical chemical modifications. The last one was revised on 6 April. However, it has increased. Sharp is too fast for oil. Rapid spreads amidst rapid increases of breathing crude. Due to rapid spoilage, 105.09 times were damaged, up 0.38%. Tweet, West West Tex Intermediate Prices It Was Up 0.55% Fast And Viewed On 101.12 Views

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C-fifi re-recorded in Mumbai

Mumbai increased on Thursday. US dollars at the rate of billion dollars up to $4.50 billion. These people are still there today. So far it is $72 and 45.50. M.U.M.B.A. Extended till 7 pm on 6th April. Till one day, till 9.50 pm. 6 April till 5 pm.

On a large scale – Diazal’s

city Crime diesel
Daily 105.41 96.67
quota 115.12 99.83
Mumbai 120.51 104.77
English 110.85 100.85
Public :

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Improve all kinds of pollution domestic oil reforms to make the country internationally better. This new stick is applied every morning at 6 am. You can find out the value of the attached house. To find out for home lighting, you will have to SMS the mobile number 9224992249 to update the alert. Will be ‘rsp-environment code’. On the site on the position of these codes.