Future conflicts unpredictable, need for constant vigil on borders and sea coasts: Rajnath Singh

New Delhi: Defense Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday said that the ever-evolving world order has forced everyone to re-strategise, adding that India needs to keep a constant vigil along the northern and western borders as well as the entire coastline.

Singh was addressing top Navy commanders along with Chief of Defense Staff General Anil Chauhan and other service chiefs onboard INS Vikrant off the coast of Goa. He called secure borders the first requirement to ensure social and economic progress.

“Future conflicts will be unpredictable. The ever-evolving world order has forced everyone to re-strategize. The northern and western borders as well as the entire coastline must be under constant vigil. We must deal with all future challenges. need to be prepared for.

He asked the Indian Navy to continue to focus on future-capability development to effectively address emerging security challenges in the maritime domain.

In the Union Budget presented last month, the capital budget for the Navy increased from Rs 47,590.99 crore to Rs 52,804.75 crore for the next fiscal.

The capital outlay in the revised estimates for the current financial year has been kept at Rs 47,727 crore, which means the Indian Navy spent Rs 137 crore more than the originally allocated amount.

Singh’s comments come at a time when China is making huge investments with a special focus on its defense capabilities naval prowess,

Coincidentally on March 5 China presented his annual budget Defense spending this year increased by 7.2%, slightly higher than last year’s growth and faster than the government’s modest economic growth forecast.

The Defense Minister also underlined the Navy’s “reliable and responsible presence” in the Indian Ocean region.

He said the mission-based deployment of the Navy has strengthened India’s position as the “preferred security partner” of friendly foreign countries in the region, a Defense Ministry statement said.

He said that a vast country like India needs to be completely self-reliant and not depend on others for its security.

Singh said the defense sector has emerged as a major demand creator, which has boosted the economy and ensured the country’s development.

“Over the next 5-10 years, orders worth over $100 billion are expected to be placed through the defense sector and will become a major partner in the country’s economic growth. Today our defense sector is on the runway, soon when it takes off, it will transform the country’s economy.

He said that if citizens want to see India among the top economic powers of the world, “we need to take bold steps towards becoming a defense superpower”.

Singh also witnessed operational demonstrations at sea. This included complex aircraft carrier and fleet operations, firing of weapons by ships and aircraft, as well as replenishment at sea. In addition, indigenous products including a spotter drone, remote-controlled lifebuoy and fire fighting bot were also showcased.

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