G7 ministers present united front against Russia over Ukraine crisis – Times of India

Liverpool: Top diplomat from G7 Nations The host nation gathered on Saturday in Liverpool, with Britain seeking to display a “show of unity against global attackers” amid the crisis. Russia’s intentions towards Ukraine,
Britain is seeking an elusive consensus from the club in response to “malicious behavior” by Russia and tensions with China and Iran.
“We need to defend ourselves from growing threats from hostile actors,” British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said at the start of the meeting of the foreign ministers of the UK, US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. “And we need to come together strongly to counter aggressors who seek to limit the limits of freedom and democracy,
The US and its NATO allies are concerned that Russia may invade Ukraine and have said they would impose sanctions on Russia if it did. Moscow denies any attack plans. The State Department said Truss and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed in a meeting how to prevent Russia from “further aggression against Ukraine”. The UK said both warned that a Russian incursion would be “a strategic mistake with dire consequences”.
The State Department also said the top US diplomat for Europe, Karen Donfried, would visit Kiev and Moscow next week “to strengthen America’s commitment to the sovereignty of Ukraine” and to seek a diplomatic solution to the crisis.
