Getting sleepy during work? 6 tips to help you stay awake

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Getting sleepy during work? 6 tips to help you stay awake


  • Yawning during working hours can sour your relationship with your boss
  • If you feel the urge to sleep during work, then eat lightly. Avoid Carbs and Sugar
  • Splash cold water on your face to feel energized and take out the worktime blues

Falling asleep during work is not an option and can even be restless at times, one must stay alert and invested during working hours. But, sometimes the urge to take a nap during work cannot be avoided. If you yawn frequently, it can cause embarrassment among coworkers. If you are guilty of falling asleep at work, try the hacks mentioned below.

Read also: Deprive yourself of sleep? 5 major health problems await you

caffeine intake

Getting caffeine into the body is a sure shot way to avoid the urge to sleep. It provides an instant energy boost and stimulates the brain and nervous system, making a person perform better.

walk around

Physical activity like walking inside or outside the office premises for some time can help you get rid of the discomfort. It will also make you feel energetic.

Listen to music

Listening to the right kind of music can also help you beat the worktime blues. High tempo or loud music will keep you from falling asleep during work. If you tune into softer melodies, chances are that the urge to sleep may only increase.

eat light

If you feel like sleeping during work, then eat lightly. Don’t do stuff because it will only make things worse. Stay away from carbs and sugar. Eat a light lunch to keep your energy up.

splash water on your face

The best way to avoid sleep is to wash your face with cold water. It will give you energy and increase alertness.

Avoid silence and monotony

Too much silence around the workplace can lead to sleeplessness. Talk to a coworker about something interesting to stimulate your brain and increase alertness. Also, take on chores and responsibilities to keep yourself busy and avoid feeling tired. There is drowsiness even without any activity for a long time so keep your schedule full of work.
