Gita Press Press is a temple of literature: President Ram Nath Kovind

According to this technique and scientific knowledge is predicted to go to the masses.

Well studied institute institutions. ️ Religious

Kovind said, “Before the time of the advertisement. For the President, who was revered according to the word of the Holy Scriptures.’

The President said, “The Leela paintings of the temple are wonderful and have special qualities of Jai Shri Krishna. It succeeded in the success of the success.

The President said that Hanuman Prasad Poddar’s ego will rule in taking the press forward. Kovind also published the contribution of Jaidayal Goyandka.

Kovind said, “Yogi (Adityanath) is the territory of this state and also the Peethadheeshwar of Gorakshapeeth. A person grows in a group.

The President said that the President has opposed it. Uttar Pradesh’s Yogi Adityanath welcomed the answer. has served.

That in 1923 along with Goyand founded the establishment of 10K Beej and this huge banyan tree will serve the nation along with religion. Yogi said, “In 1955, to protect the Chief Minister of this institution, the president of that time was Dr. Rajendra Prasad.”

The Lt Governor set up his birthday meeting and said that Dharma, Karma and Gyan have importance in human life. This Gita has been published in every household in India and in the life of Ramcharitmanas.

After indulging in the installations of the President’s Foundation Day, the post consecrated Suryakhnath Temple and worship-ara. Yogi welcomed the first lady Savita Kovind and the Lt.

Gave folk performances and heart beats. The President worshiped Guru Gorakhnath, Krishna and performed the samadhi of Brahmalin Mahant Avadyanath, amidst chanting of 101 Vedapaths in the temple. Kovind had made flour, roti and green temple for the cows in the cowshed. Deteriorating and getting worse.

After darshan, the President activated the ‘Bull Kshetra Mein’ Light and Sound Show and ‘Pali’ in Roshni.

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