Global User Experience Ranking for Networks Coming Soon: Ookla

New Delhi: US-headquartered Ookla, known for its global index of measuring internet speed, is planning to publish its rankings for video and gaming experiences from across the globe. It is also working on new metrics like load latency or responsiveness to measure mobile internet speed after the roll out of 5G networks.

In an interview, co-founder and chief executive Doug Suttles said that in addition to sharing all relevant information on quality of experience metrics with carriers to help them improve their networks, it plans to start a global network based on these metrics from 2024. Will also start publishing rankings.

“We are very focused on improving the quality of experience around the world, as we are on performance. We have not published the rankings yet, but telcos have access to the findings for self-improvement and assess what’s wrong. But over time, we’ll start providing rankings publicly as well.” “Creating a global index or ranking of some sort is probably next year’s thing, as we’re still fine-tuning our methodology,” Suttles said.

In addition, Ookla is also measuring load latency on telecom networks, which is similar to testing network speeds, with applicability in real-time applications such as video calls, gaming, or potential applications such as live translation using a virtual reality headset. Is.

“Measuring speed is the core of what we do and that will never change but there are other metrics that matter just as much and will probably start to matter more over time. Bigger is latency, responsiveness, how much data can you send back and forth and how quickly. That’s becoming increasingly important, and it’s a metric we’re trying to highlight,” Suttles said.

He added that countries with advanced infrastructure could have better load latency metrics because their backhaul and their entire network was able to deliver much faster speeds.

Globally, India’s ranking has jumped from 118th last September to 69th in January 2023, with a 115% increase in mobile speed since the introduction of 5G services. “Each generation will give us far more capacity or more capacity to configure the network. It will be a world (segment) where the minimum speed will be talking about the maximum,” Suttles said.

Suttles said that future 5G and 6G will certainly offer higher speeds than current 4G levels, but importantly they may enable minimum guaranteed speeds, which would be a big change from the current times where telecommunications Companies are unable to guarantee minimum internet speed. mobile phone at any time.

He added that a base level of guaranteed internet speed would be possible on the back of network slicing or creating a virtual network on top of an existing network that would be used for a specific purpose, which could find its way around consumer use cases such as: Connected cars in addition to enterprise use cases including mechanical or factory automation.

While high internet speeds will become a marketing tool for telecom service providers, quality of service will eventually become more important in terms of experience for consumers which will depend on the quality of networks and spectrum acquired by carriers.

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