Going to the funeral? 6 etiquettes to follow when mourning someone’s passing

Image Source : Yogen Shah

Prayers for Lata Mangeshkar’s funeral at Shivaji Park, Mumbai


  • From dressing properly to choosing the right words, here’s a list of the do’s and don’ts at a funeral
  • Avoid bringing morbid details with family as it is insensitive
  • Remember, hugs, pauses or silences carry a lot of weight

Someone’s death naturally causes grief for those who were close to them and who shared a bond with the bereaved. It is common for people to mourn the passing of someone they knew during their lifetime. During this sensitive time it is imperative that you follow some unspoken etiquette so that you do not interfere in someone’s misery. Here’s a list of the do’s and don’ts at a funeral.

dress properly

When going to attend someone’s funeral it is necessary to wear subdued clothes. Don’t wear anything flashy. This is not the time to make a bold fashion statement so stick to subtle colors and avoid being overly casual with dressing.

What not to say?

There are certain topics that should not be brought up while attending one’s funeral. The details regarding the death of the person is one of them. It should not be brought up during discussion with family or anyone close. Be aware in advance or wait for the right time to become aware of the morbid details. Phrases like “he’s in a better place,” and “the pain will subside with time” should also be avoided. Remember, there is power and meaning in silence, pause or embrace.

Avoid using mobile phone

Mobile phones should be switched off while attending someone’s funeral. Refrain from using a cell phone for trivial purposes as it comes across as insensitive to the feelings of the other person. Taking pictures with the consent of the family and of an interesting matter may be encouraged to create memories of the time.

Should children participate?

Children should not attend the funeral if they cause any kind of uproar. If the children are well aware of what has happened and what the meeting is for, they should be given a choice.

avoid overindulgence

If food and drink are served during the funeral, avoid overindulgence. Have a meal before going to the service meeting. You don’t want to come across as the person who was just there to eat! Limit alcohol consumption as it comes with the risk of crossing boundaries.

embrace religious elements

Adopting and respecting the religious elements of a funeral gathering is encouraged. If the dead person’s faith is not with you, observe and hug. Tradition is an important aspect of a funeral, so don’t be disrespectful.
