Good Morning: 5 Easy Exercises You Can Do in Bed Every Morning

Morning exercise routine: When we sleep, every part and muscles of our body comes to a state of rest. But as soon as we get out of bed in the morning, we are completely focused on our routine work and other tasks. The result is unexpected pressure on the muscles of the body.

However, if you stretch before getting out of bed in the morning, your muscles will have time to gradually activate. In addition, the blood circulation of the body will improve, allowing adequate blood flow to all the organs of the body and the brain. These stretching exercises can reduce tension and physical discomfort.

Although many experts claim that morning is the best time to exercise, but who likes getting out of bed in the morning? No one What if we told you that you can exercise while lying on the bed in that position? Check out these five stretches you can do in bed to stay in shape and have more energy during the day

1. Knee Chest Stretch

To do this stretch, lie flat on the bed on your back. After this, bring both the knees together near the chest. Now hold both the feet with both the hands and pull them towards the chest. Now take 10 deep breaths in this position. This can relieve tension from the lower back.

2. Spine Twist Stretching Exercise

If your posture is bad, then this stretching exercise can be very useful for you. To do this, keep both your knees together on the right side of the body. Now take the neck to the left while supporting the knees downwards with the right hand. Breathe 10 times in this position and then repeat the same sequence from the other side.

3. Ankle Circle

While lying on your back, raise your leg straight. Without moving the rest of your body, extend the outstretched leg in the direction of O, as wide and long as possible. Next, do the same ‘O’ 10 more times in the opposite direction.

4. Leg Raise

Leg lifts are another exercise that works your core and develops your lower abs. Lie down on your back. To avoid hitting the bed below, lift one leg off the mattress and lower it again. Lower it and then raise it again. Do 20 repetitions, then switch to the other leg and repeat. If this feels more comfortable, you can switch between legs.

5. Arm Rotation

Extend your arms out to the sides and form a huge, clockwise ‘O’ with them, similar to ankle girth. After 20 repetitions, change direction and then repeat 20 more times.

(This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)