Google Bard AI chatbot is finally getting ChatGPT-like features: What are they

Last Update: April 24, 2023, 17:44 IST

ChatGPT has evolved into a v4.0 AI chatbot

The AI ​​chatbot is lagging behind the competition but Google is slowly introducing new features.

Google has been slow in the AI ​​chatbot race and its Bard AI lags behind the competition in many aspects. The latest addition to Bard AI is the ability to write codes as well as debug them. These new features are part of Google’s promise, as stated by CEO Sundar Pichai in a recent interview.

Google has been found to be increasing its focus on AI applications, and ChatGPT has certainly found them wanting in many areas. Having the power to code using Bard is a positive step but there is still a long way to go before AI chatbots are able to match the best.

Google claims that coding has been one of the top requests from its users and hence the company is fulfilling their wishes by adding the feature to Bard this week. We’re launching these capabilities in over 20 programming languages, including C++, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, and TypeScript. And you can easily export Python code to Google Colab — no copying and pasting required. Bard can also assist with writing tasks for Google Sheets,” as noted by Google in its blog post. Google is rolling out the new feature to select groups of users in the US and UK as part of a testing phase.

Pichai mentioned that Google takes care when launching a product and makes it effective instead of quickly releasing it into a market full of mistakes. Testing with a small sample of users allows Google’s engineers to fix any bugs and issues with responses from the AI ​​before allowing the public to access the information.

ChatGPT from Open AI is definitely in a different realm, with its v4.0 which has plugin support so you can use AI chatbots to get responses from the internet. You have it available on the Microsoft Edge browser, Microsoft Bing search, and even on the Office suite of apps.

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