Google celebrates chickenpox vaccine inventor’s birthday with doodle

The latest Google Doodle is illustrated by Tokyo-based artist Tatsuro Kiuchi.

new Delhi:

Google is today celebrating the birthday of Japanese virologist Dr. Michiyaki Takahashi, who is known for his role in medical science.

Takahashi, who was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1928, was the first person to develop a vaccine against chickenpox in early 1974.

The latest Google Doodle is illustrated by Tokyo-based artist Tatsuro Kiuchi.

Takahashi’s chickenpox vaccine, named “Oka”, was accepted by the World Health Organization and is being widely used around the world. Dr. Takahashi’s vaccine is an effective way to prevent severe cases of infectious viral disease and its transmission. It has so far been administered to millions of children across the world.

Dr. Takahashi earned his medical degree from Osaka University and later worked as a researcher at Osaka University’s Microbial Disease Research Institute in 1959. After studying measles and poliovirus, Dr. Takahashi accepted a research fellowship at Baylor College in 1963. United States of america.

It was during this time that his son developed a severe bout of chickenpox, which helped him to turn his expertise towards combating the highly contagious disease.

Takahashi died of heart failure on 16 December 2013.
