Google ready to develop software code with Bard AI chatbot upgrade

On Friday, Google, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc, announced its plans to enhance its generative AI chatbot, Bard, to assist individuals in coding for software development. The tech giant’s move comes as it attempts to keep pace in the fast-moving race for AI technology.

In an effort to catch up with Microsoft Corp., Google recently launched Bard for public use. microsoft ai chatbot chatgptWhich was released last year by Microsoft-backed startup OpenAI, sparking a race among technology companies to make AI more accessible to users.

Bard is characterized by Google as an experimental project that enables users to collaborate with generative AI, a type of technology that creates content based on past data rather than recognizing it.

According to Google’s announcement on Friday, forage Will have the ability to code in 20 different programming languages ​​including Python, C and Java. Additionally, the AI ​​chatbot will assist users with debugging and explaining the code. Bard will also be able to customize the code to increase its speed and efficiency, asking questions such as “Can you make that code faster?”

Currently, only a limited set of users can access Bard and interact with the chatbot by asking questions rather than using Google’s traditional search tools.

Google’s Bard was introduced last month. The purpose of the conversational chatbot is to compete with the popularity of the ChatGPT tool backed by Microsoft. However, the announcement was labeled ‘rushed’ and ‘failed’ by Google employees themselves.

Bard has the ability to present users with three different versions, or “drafts”, of any response, allowing them to switch between them. Additionally, if a user wishes to obtain web results for a particular query, bard “Google it” button.

(with inputs from Reuters)

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