Got a Flubot malware warning on your Android phone? be careful, it’s a trap

The infamous Flubot malware is back and hackers have found new ways to infect Android phones with viruses. Cybercriminals are sending messages warning users that their phone has been infected with dangerous malware or has suffered a data breach. These messages are fake. Users are then asked to click on a link to take action against the virus, but that is actually to install malware on their devices.

Previously, the Flubot malware used to send text messages to users with a link to listen to their voicemails. The message is now changing frequently to confuse people and allow malware to enter their devices.

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A month ago, cyber security firm Trend Micro tricked users by providing fake voicemail applications. The text messages they sent contained a link that took users to a website that appeared to be run by a telecom operator. But they were actually allowing malware to infect their phones.

Now, New Zealand’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT NZ) has discovered that hackers are tricking users into spoofing text messages to install Flubot. Messages sent to Android phone users are rapidly changing from package delivery alerts to warnings that Flubot has infected their devices.

The latest update from CERT NZ shows messages that claim to have uploaded pictures of the recipient and can be viewed by clicking on the attached link.

None of these text messages are authentic and this is meant to trick the user into installing Flubot malware.

“Given that the words in these texts have been changed within a short period of time, it is likely that the wording will change again. Be wary of any suspicious text messages you receive asking you to click on a link. has been asked for,” CERT NZ said in an advisory.

Read also: Mobile Banking Users Alert! Indian government agency warns of Android malware

Once inside your phone, Flubot malware can access credit card details, personal information, SMS messages, open browser pages and other information stored in the phone. It can also go through your contacts, finding more potential targets.

How to protect yourself from Flubot malware

Do not install any security updates and applications from unofficial or suspicious links that appear on your screen. Remember that most security updates and applications do not require you to go through different webpages to install or click a lot of links.

If you are infected with Flubot malware, do not enter passwords on your phone or log in to your accounts as they can be swiped by hackers. Instead do a factory reset of your phone after backing up the data.

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