Government body asks doctors to wear Khadi white coat

New Delhi The National Medical Commission (NMC) says that the clothes of doctors with white coats should be made of homespun cotton-khadi. India’s top medical education regulator has also asked all doctors, medical colleges and hospitals to use Khadi products more.

The idea is to promote Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) products which are specially designed and manufactured for medical professionals. These include bed sheets, pillow covers, aprons, curtains, patient gowns, soap, handwash and floor cleaning products. Khadi, promoted by Mahatma Gandhi during the freedom struggle, is seen as a uniquely Indian product.

“Khadi has been the focus area of ​​the central government. Because of this, the total production of Khadi and Village Industries has reached an all-time high. The annual revenue of KVIC in 2021-22 was more than 1.15 trillion, which is unprecedented in India’s history as none of the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) firms have achieved this target so far,” said an official familiar with the matter, requesting anonymity. .

“About a month ago, Home Minister Amit Shah wrote a letter to the Health Minister addressing him to promote the consumption of Khadi products in the health sector. Khadi products are safe and eco-friendly. The use of Khadi products in the medical sector in India will not only enhance its growth but also help contribute to employment for small rural artisans in villages.”

“Over the years, some hospitals in Delhi have procured Khadi products for their use. The price of Khadi products in FY 20-21 was approx. 70.03 lakhs were procured, whereas in the FY 2011-22, the hospitals used Khadi items of approx. 86.63 lakhs. The consumption of Khadi products in the healthcare sector is quite low if we compare it with a large number of medical institutions across the country.”

“It (KVIC) has now been scientifically proven that khadi products are not only health-friendly but also environment-friendly. Since it is mandatory for doctors to wear a coat during duty hours, they are advised to use a white coat made of Khadi,” said Dr. Aruna V.Vanikar, Chairperson, Board of Undergraduate Medical Education, National Medical Commission. Told to medical colleges in letter.

Queries emailed to the Health Ministry spokesperson and KVIC CEO remained unanswered till press time.

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