Government of Karnataka department gets award for effective communication

The Department of Rural Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of Karnataka has been awarded the Best Communication in Sanitation Award for 2021 in the Digital Communication category by the Indian Sanitation Alliance (ISC) – Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).

Dr. Prakash Kumar HS, Commissioner, Rural Drinking Water and Sanitation Department (RDWSD) received the award on behalf of the department through video conferencing on November 10. He said that this award will motivate him to work hard to create awareness through various channels.

RDWSD runs various types of water and sanitation programs to increase awareness among the people in rural areas. Various initiatives and information about the department is available to the public through social media.

RDWSD is working towards providing information about its projects to the people through various types of dynamic activities like cleanliness news, impact stories and theme videos.
