Great Arm Workout to Get Toned Arms

Last Update: March 05, 2023, 08:59 IST

It is not necessary that you immediately join a gym or do intense exercise. (Image: shutterstock)

You can start with simple exercises and gradually add equipment. So, we’ve pulled together a few exercises you’ll want to start with.

Are you keen to get those toned arms and upper body? But still confused where to start? Then you are definitely not alone. Starting your fitness journey is even harder than maintaining one. But how would you react, if you were told that certain exercises can help you fulfill your desire of having perfectly sculpted arms and that too in the comfort of your home? Yes, you read that right.

While arm exercises help strengthen basic muscle groups like the triceps and biceps, they also target other important areas, including your core and back muscles. It is not necessary that you immediately join a gym or do intense exercise. You can start with simple exercises and gradually add equipment. So, we’ve pulled together a few exercises you’ll want to start with.

  1. high plank
    The high-to-low plank is an active variation of a standard plank. The difference between the two is that when doing a high-to-low plank, your body moves in a push-up motion compared to a normal plank, which maintains a stable position.
  2. inchworm
    For a full-body impact, consider inchworms as your go-to exercise. You may feel your heart rate increase while doing this, as it also tones your lower body, shoulders, core and arms. The hamstring muscles also feel relaxed after a wonderful stretch.
  3. barbell
    This is a versatile bodyweight workout that targets the triceps. They primarily show effects on the triceps, but they also show some effects on the chest, shoulders, and back. Tricep dips can be done sitting on the floor, in a chair, on a stair or on a bench. It is advised to avoid it if you are facing some shoulder problems. This may increase your pain.
  4. kickboxing
    The punches in kickboxing improve cardiovascular health, develop upper-body strength and endurance, and provide your core with a great workout. You don’t need a trainer or heavy equipment to do it. Try to punch in the air while keeping your body connected to the ground.
  5. tricep extension
    Now, let’s have a look at an exercise that you can try with the help of some weights or dumbbells. Tricep extensions target the back of your arm. It requires balance, so you can do it lying on a bench if you find it a bit intense. All you have to do is take dumbbells in your hands and slowly raise them above your head, slowly lowering them back to shoulder level. Maintain a light weight and focus on how many reps you can do with a break.

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