Grooming tips to keep men looking their best this festive season

Last Update: 23 October 2022, 12:43 IST

Take cues from these Bollywood men who are bringing their A-game to all Diwali parties. (Images: Instagram)

Make sure you look your best this Diwali!

You have undoubtedly already stocked your closet with fabulous clothes for all the social activities with Diwali just around the horizon. Your immediate environment is ornate. The area around you is bright. You crave a little more shine than you do on a daily basis. You want everyone’s jaw drop when you walk out of your room wearing your new kurta.

Here is your guide.

Pamper your hair with styling products
It’s all you need to match the tone to your shiny new clothes and the beautiful surrounding lighting. If you don’t regularly use styling products on your hair, it almost works to your advantage. If you’re not sure what to use, go to your barber shop and let them carve your hair.

Clear your way to a fresh, fresh, glowing face
Let your skin shine like the light around you. Go the extra mile and get a clean-up or facial so your skin is gently exfoliated, your pores clear, and your skin glowing festive. After all, it is the focal point of your look.

get rid of puffiness
There will be lots of sweets and parties and till late at night. And we’re definitely not missing out on anything. If your face feels puffy, use an ice pack on your face for a few minutes. This will work as a quick anti-inflammatory treatment and keep your skin fresh.

finishing touches
This is not a nightclub party scene, there will be lights everywhere. All the little details will be visible and highlighted. Get a quick mani-pedi for clean nails and soft touches. And choose a scent that lasts all day.

This is no ordinary time. Apart from the normal workload, there is shopping and decorating the house and buying gifts and making plans with your loved ones. Instead of adding skin care and hair care as another task to your to-do list, make an appointment with your nearest barber shop.

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