GST collections grow 11% year-on-year for November, down 4% from October

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India’s gross GST revenue in November 2022 was ₹1,45,687 crore, up 11% from a year earlier, but down about 4% from October’s kitty, Revenue from import of goods was 20% higher, while domestic transactions, including import of services, received 8% more tax than in November 2021.

State GST collections in November accounted for Rs 32,651 crore of revenue, while the integrated GST kitty stood at Rs 77,103 crore, including Rs 38,635 crore collected on import of goods. GST Compensation Cess collection stood at ₹10,433 crore, including ₹817 crore collected on import of goods – marginally lower than the ₹10,505 crore collected in October 2022.

While November’s GST inflows are at a three-month low based on transactions made in October, it is the ninth consecutive month when total revenue from indirect taxes is over ₹1.40 lakh crore.

Government has settled Rs 33,997 crore in CGST and Rs 28,538 crore in SGST from IGST as regular settlement. The total revenue of the Center and States after regular settlement in the month of November 2022 is Rs 59,678 crore for CGST and Rs 61,189 crore for SGST,” the finance ministry said in a statement. Last week, the Center released Rs 17,000 crore as GST compensation arrears to the states.

At least six states reported a decrease in revenue in November, including Gujarat, Rajasthan and Kerala (-2%), Punjab (-10%), Himachal Pradesh (-12%) and Goa (-14%). The union territories of Chandigarh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands as well as Lakshadweep also reported revenue declines of 3%, 7% and 79%, respectively. Revenue from areas under the jurisdiction of the central government fell 14%.

Chhattisgarh’s revenue remained flat year-on-year, while 9 states reported slower growth than the national average revenue growth from domestic transactions of 8%. These include Odisha, Uttarakhand and Sikkim, whose revenue grew only 1% each, Madhya Pradesh (up 3%), Delhi (up 4%) and West Bengal (up 7%).