Gujarat woman decorates Ganesh idol with food packets, sends important message

Ganesh Chaturthi is a 10-day festival celebrated every year in the month of Bhadrapada according to the Hindu calendar. This year the celebrations began on 10 September and will end with Ganesh Visarjan on 19 September 2021. This year many interesting and unique Ganesh idols have been created all over the country. For example, a baker from Ludhiana made a huge Ganesh idol out of 200 kg of chocolate. And now, a woman from Gujarat has made a Ganesh idol adorned with food packets to send an important message about food waste. Have a look:

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Radhika Soni is the lady who has come up with this interesting concept. He made and placed a 5 feet tall Shivling with 1008 packets of biscuits and 850 Rudraksh Ganesha The statue in its center. Banners of two organizations based in Baroda have been put on both sides of the establishment, which are working towards saving the leftover food from wastage and distributing it among the poor. According to Soni, after the immersion of Ganesh idol, biscuit packets will be distributed among poor children.

Idea for unique idol according to Radhika Soni Ganesh Chaturthi Came from my personal experience. “During a function at my house, there was a lot of leftover food and we found one for charity after great difficulty. We then thought that food was not a waste. One-third of the total food wasted around the world every day The message is ‘don’t waste food’,” she told ANI.

He used the example of mobile data to further explain the importance of preventing food wastage. “If we can try and use up all of our mobile data before it expires, shouldn’t we do the same with our food,” she questions. food waste It is a relevant problem around the world and contributes to many other environmental issues such as climate change. According to the Food Waste Index Report 2021, it is estimated that 50 kg of food per person is thrown away every year in Indian households.


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