had fallen in Morbi


Near the running pool on the Machhu river in Morbi (Gujarat) which is now broken, 91 have died. As long as an individual organization has done so, it will do the same later. However, this information was given by an official after more than a century in Morbi city was filled with Shuk Laks.

this also further

Thasampand Jala, Chief Officer of Morbi Nagar, “Pula was made to Orewa Company for wind and energy for 15 years.

It was said, ‘to the public after the repairs are complete’. Till the confirmation (after the repair work) no certificate was issued.”

It was an ‘engineering marvel’ and it was of the status and nature of ‘murti’ governors.”

Sir Waghji Thakor ruled Morbi till 1922. He was r t t p t pe r th r th r those bridge that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that bridge bridge its r bridge r ni r ni rautaphan yamaur palace ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko rifaurt to

The size of the collect website, the bridge was 1.25 meters and was 233 meters. According to this the purpose of this bridge was to give a unique identity to Morbi by using the latest technology available in those days in Europe.

Also further:

, Death of those flying in Morbij, incident only after repair, 10 things
, ️ Gujarat
, 5 detailed news: Bridge broken in Gurjar’s Morbi, read more than 400, 5 important things

(news said)