Hair care in winter: Try these 5 tips to make hair beautiful in this cold season

There’s no denying that winter mornings soothe the soul, especially when you’re sipping your hot morning coffee and enjoying the soft, crisp air, but you’re probably going to take the toll it takes on your hair. are aware of. Winter is tough for all hair textures and conditions. Like skin, hair also needs cold protection to stay supple and healthy. Dry, frizzy, and rough are the most likely symptoms that describe your hair type throughout the cold dry winter months. Dryness of scalp, dandruff and weak ends are some of the most common hair problems that occur during this season.

Reading: In this season, get rid of your winter skin problems with these easy tips

Protect your hair from cold wind, high winds, static energy and even internal heat. You want to show off gorgeous locks when spring (finally) arrives! To keep your hair in great health this winter, try these 5 winter hair care tips.

lower the water temperature while bathing

Even though a steamy shower may be exactly what you need when the temperature is already below freezing, hot water can strip moisture from your locks, leaving them brittle and prone to breakage. Is. Instead, use lukewarm water to wash your hair and then rinse with cold water.

deep status weekly

Moisturizing is the word of the game when it comes to hair care in winters. Use a leave-in conditioner once a week to replace moisture and protect hair from the effects of hot styling tools, indoor heat, and cold winter air. When your hair is exposed to cold weather, frizzy hair is a regular occurrence. Using a leave-in conditioner to keep hair moist will help to mold it.

say no to styling tools

Avoid using heat-styling tools like straighteners, blow dryers and curlers as the heat from these devices can damage your hair and create split ends. Limit your exposure to this tool, and if you must style, apply a heat protectant serum. In winter, avoid using heat on your hair and instead opt for hairstyles such as braids, updos and twists.

use oil therapy

When winter takes a toll on your hair, use an oil-based hair treatment to replenish moisture. To revitalize dry, damaged hair faster, use a lightweight leave-in product enriched with argan oil. Apply nourishing oils to the ends of your hair regularly to help restore hydration and protect your hair.

Say no to daily hair wash

Shampoos strip the natural oils from the scalp, making your hair dry quickly. Winter is the time when your hair’s natural oils are needed the most. Therefore, if possible, increase the time between washings.

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