Hammer Curl Vs Biceps Curl: Which To Go For? read on

As the name implies, hammer curls and biceps curls both have a similarity in the fact that they require you to ‘lift the weight’. Just 2 exercises are done with different positions of the hands.

There are 2 types of biceps curls:

  • Standard (Exercise performed with the supine position of the arm)
  • Reverse (pronounced hand exercise)

These are popular training exercises to develop the biceps muscles.

Biceps curls target to enlarge the arm muscles (biceps brachii) in one go; Whereas hammer curls are effective for training all major arm muscles. You can work both internal and external muscles to the same extent at the same time.

This is why people recommend hammer curls more than bicep curls during training.

So choose your curls based on your preferred position of the hand. Both exercises target more or less the same group of muscles but it all boils down to the way you hold the dumbbells while doing the 2nd exercise.

Now, let’s see how to do each.

Biceps Curl:

Biceps curls aim to enlarge the arm muscles (Image: Shutterstock)

Phase 1: Hold a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing out) Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart.

Phase 2Curl the weights up (as much as possible) by contracting the biceps, bringing them to shoulder level (without moving the elbows).

step 3After holding the position (at the top), slowly lower the weight.

Hammer Curl:

Hammer curls are effective for training all the major arm muscles (Image: Shutterstock)

Phase 1First of all, stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.

Phase 2Hold a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing your body.

step 3To curl: Bend the elbows and bring the weights to shoulder level. The upper arms will remain stationary the entire time.

step 4: Hold the position (at the top) for some time and then very slowly lower the weight.

Both curls have their advantages and meet different muscle activation needs. So, choose wisely how to train your muscles.

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