Have a New Year’s resolution? Here’s How You Can Keep It

Sakshi Malik, the first Indian woman wrestler to win a medal at the Olympics

My resolution: As a sportsperson, I am physically fit because I train throughout the year and eat right. This year, I am adding yoga to my schedule to further improve my physical and mental health, and plan to focus more on it. My workout schedule varies everyday. I do weight training twice a week, wrestling matches thrice a week, speed training… My training duration is usually two and a half to three hours in the morning and evening.

Do you want to become fitter this year? Getting some type of exercise is important for one’s overall health. For those who want to get into fitness this year, perhaps you can start slow with yoga or morning walk, or jogging. And start slowly by graduating to running or a style of workout that you enjoy.

Mental health is as important as being physically fit and active. Keep the mind calm, free from negative thoughts. For me, when I get nervous before a big competition, I think about all the matches where I did well and what I did right, and those things help me fight the anxiety. I listen to music and find it therapeutic. Family also plays an important role. I talk to him when I feel sad. The conversations help, they help me feel positive. Sometimes, if I’m distracted or depressed, I talk to a psychologist.

To be more productive, I suggest people think of a goal and focus on ways to achieve it this year. Focus on it, see how you are progressing and what more needs to be done, work towards the goal and eventually achieve it. It gives a sense of accomplishment which feels great.

Shraddha Srinath | Photo Credit: Kalyan Yashasvi

Shraddha Srinath, actor

My resolution: My physical goal this year will be to enjoy the process of being physically active. Not to have any expectations from our bodies, but simply to know and believe that like anything else in life, such as investments or relationships, we need to make a long-term commitment to our health in order to truly reap the benefits. Can be picked up Some days are great because you have the time and mental space to fit in some activity; Some others are not so great as you are overworked and exhausted. It’s okay to take breaks and understand your body’s needs for rest. And I think the best way to be consistent is to really enjoy whatever activity you choose.

It’s important not to feel guilty if I miss exercising, even if I just decide to walk for half an hour, patting myself on the back because it’s so easy to choose to do nothing. Sometimes life happens and things don’t go according to plan but never get discouraged. And stick to your goals. To listen to your body and have a disciplined mind.

Do you want to recover and grow? My mental goal would be to be more regular with therapy. I cannot stress enough how important it is to talk to a professional on a regular basis. Most, if not all of our personalities are the result of some sort of trauma and it is important to acknowledge and heal and move in the right direction. Therapy means baring your soul and speaking uncomfortable truths, but it’s the only way to be comfortable with yourself.

Sangeeta Madhu

Sangeeta Madhu | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Sangeeta Madhu, Clinical Psychologist

My resolution: Voltaire said, we must cultivate our garden, within ourselves and in our mind. I want to start the new year by being kind to the planet, people and myself. I start my day on a positive note with gratitude, and am working on being more present with my loved ones, drawing inspiration from my eighty-year-old mother, who is the epitome of joie de vivre.

Are you looking to deal with stress better this year? Healthy life for me, in which I can manage a 45-minute workout, enjoy good quality sleep, share healthy meals with family, and pursue a hobby, sometimes through meditation Connect with nature, meet colleagues and friends outdoors. work.

As we continue to tolerate digital distractions and isolation, setting boundaries and making a conscious deliberate effort to focus on digital, social, emotional, and physical well-being are keys to a happy and hopeful future. Prioritizing social relationships, work/life integration and healthy stress coping strategies are important in creating a supportive community.

On a personal level, it is important to be open to our feelings, even difficult ones. Maintain a thought journal, cultivate awareness of the present moment, and develop psychological security and resilience to deal with adversity and build resilience. Mental health is health. It is not binary but a continuum. Hence, prioritizing mental wellness is no longer a luxury, but a necessity to achieve overall health.

Chick Sarkar

Chick Sarkar | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Chiki Sarkar, publisher and founder of Juggernaut Books.

My resolution: I never make New Year’s resolutions – that’s the secret to my mental peace. I have five or six things I want to do in my life: being healthy, for example. But I’ve been working on them for years. Twinkle Khanna, one of our writers, suggests keeping the bar low for a successful New Year’s resolution. I don’t put any restrictions.

Do you want to read more? If you’re not a reader, start reading the kinds of books you loved reading as a kid. So, if you like comics, read them. If you read thrillers, do that. you don’t need to read war and Peace Now. Also, set aside 30 minutes before going to sleep for reading. That is what I do. Don’t worry about pleasing others or impressing people. keep it simple. Get your mind and body used to sitting still with a book.

If you want your child to be a reader, make it a daily ritual: We read to the kids every night. Don’t read the words verbatim unless there are three of them. Tell your own story using the pictures. After they are three or four years old, they will engage with real lessons.

Read what you find comfortable, what you find easy. I’m a voracious reader – there was a lot of bad news in my life last year, and I read more than I’ve read in a long time. I read serious non-fiction, crime thrillers, fiction…

(as set forth Priyadarshini Paitandi, Gautam Sundar, Gauri S and Shonali Muthali,