Hawkeye Coming to Disney+ Hotstar in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam

Hawkeye The upcoming Marvel Disney+ series – starring Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld – will be the first Marvel Cinematic Universe series to be offered in Malayalam, Disney+ Hotstar has announced. Contrary to what was said earlier, Hawkeye There will be dubbed versions for the Indian audience in not four but three languages: Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, And Malayalam. Previously, the Tom Hiddleston-led bottle gourd, and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier with Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan were dubbed into three languages: Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. This suggests that Disney+ Hotstar has seen success not only with the Marvel series, but also with the Scarlett Johansson-led. Kali Mai, which was made available in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada.

“Start the Holidays With the First Two Episodes of Marvel Studios” Hawkeye, and start streaming on November 24 in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam Disney+ Hotstar,” Marvel’s official Twitter account for India wrote in a thread on Saturday, October 16 – with a new One Minute Hawkeye The teaser trailer is available with dubs in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam. Together Hawkeye Starting with a two-episode premiere, meaning a six-episode Miracle The miniseries will conclude before Christmas on Wednesday, December 22.

Clint Barton/Haley Steinfeld as Rainer and Kate Bishop as Hawkeye in training to become the new Hawkeye, Marvel Disney+ The series stars Vera Farmiga as Kate’s mother Eleanor Bishop, Fry Fei as Kazee, who may be the Marvel Comics mercenary villain Kazimierz Kazimierzak/Crown, Tony Dalton as Barton’s early mentor Jack Duxen/Swordsman, newcomer Alka Cox as deaf superhero Maya Lopez/Echo, Zayn McClaren as Maya’s father William Lopez, Florence Pugh as trained detective Yelena Belova (from Kali Mai), and Brian D’Arcy James.

Here is the official summary for Hawkeye From Disney+:

Disney+ and Marvel Studios invite you on an unexpected vacation Hawkeye, a new series set in New York City after Blip. Former Avenger Clint Barton has a simple mission: to get back to his family for Christmas. possible? Maybe the 22-year-old archer dreams of becoming a superhero with the help of Kate Bishop. The two are forced to work together when the presence of Barton’s past threatens to derail far more than the festive spirit.

Hawkeye premier 24 November Disney+ Hotstar in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam.


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