“He Tried To Get Away”: Swimmer In Horrible Video Attacked By Crocodile

A horrifying video has captured the moment a crocodile chased and attacked a swimmer in Brazil. The incident took place on Saturday at a wooded spot with a lake popular among tourists. Lake Lago do Amor in Campo Grande, however, is off-limits to swimmers due to the presence of crocodiles, so when Willian Caetano saw a man entering the restricted waters, he began filming.

“A man entered the water around 4:40 pm and started swimming at the place where entry is barred,” he said.

His video shows the moment a crocodile started chasing the unlucky swimmer in the lake. According to Mr. Caetano, the man tried to swim fast enough to avoid the oncoming reptile. The footage shows Gator making a way for the swimmer and attacking him. It managed to bite off the swimmer’s hand.

“Suddenly, to my surprise, a crocodile starts chasing him. He tried to swim fast to escape, but the crocodile managed to reach him and inflicted a violent bite on the man’s arm, which was in the water. And his arm was completely bled. And was so scared, saying he didn’t know there’s a crocodile,” said Mr. Caetano.

According to local reportPeople called mobile emergency care service after the attack. The swimmer suffered no injuries, except for a minor injury to his arm.

According to Garapira Marinelva de Silva, who has been running a sugarcane juice stand in Lago do Amor for the past five years, this is the first time someone has entered the water to swim. This place is famous for the presence of alligators. “Sometimes, the kids go there, but then we tell them there’s a crocodile and it’s dirty and they come back,” she told the local news website Campo Grande News.

It is thought that a lack of warning signals warning swimmers to stay away from the water may have been responsible for the attack.

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