Health Benefits Of Eating Dates: From Curing Hangover To Brightening Your Skin, 10 Reasons You Should Include Dates In Your Daily Diet

Benefits of eating dates: Dates contain a lot of naturally occurring sugar. Dates as a dry fruit have more calories as compared to the fresh fruit. Dates are very popular as they are high in calories and provide you energy for the whole day. With just one bite of this fruit your taste buds will be transported to a world of mouth-wateringly sweet and extremely rich caramel-like flavours.

Their delicate, chewy texture goes well with savory and sweet dishes. The fruit of the date palm tree has long been used in the main dishes of the Middle East. Due to its many health benefits, dates have emerged as one of the most popular foods in the world of nutrition and health.

When compared to other fresh fruits, they have a high nutritional profile and calorie content. The fruit contains significant amounts of vitamins A, B6 and K. These vitamins support healthy bones and eyes. Other nutrients contained in dates, such as calcium, iron, potassium, protein, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and sulfur, all contribute to better body function.

Here are 10 health benefits of including dates in your diet:

1. Enables natural labor

Consuming dates during pregnancy increases the chances of a natural delivery of the baby. The problem of cesarean delivery is harmful for expectant mothers. These benefits are the result of special chemicals present in dates, which may reduce the need for oxytocin during pregnancy.

2. Improves brain function

Interleukin, a type of inflammatory cytokine, can be very damaging to your brain. Consuming dates reduces anxiety related problems while also improving learning and memory.

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3. Helps in Diabetes Management

Dates have several properties that can slow down the rate of absorption of glucose from the intestine as well as reduce its ability to boost insulin production. This can go a long way in reducing the risk of diabetes.

4. Protect Your Kidneys

Dates offer a variety of properties that may support kidney health under challenging circumstances. Dates extract may also aid in reducing high levels of plasma and creatinine in the kidneys, thereby improving the overall condition of the kidneys.

5. May Improve Male Fertility

The fruit contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that can increase a man’s sperm count and libido, among other sexual functions. The flavonoids and other amino acids found in dates ensure that men can perform sexually with enough energy.

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6. Promotes Good Bone Health

Dates are rich in micronutrients such as selenium, manganese, magnesium and copper. These micronutrients support healthy bone development. If you have bone problems, dates can be one of the most important supplements you can take.

7. Improves Skin Texture

Dates contain high levels of Vitamin C and Vitamin D which ensure that your skin gets all the nutrition it needs for healthy, glowing skin. As you age, it becomes more difficult to maintain the elasticity of your skin. Vitamins C and D help improve it.

8. Helps combat hangover

There are many things available that can help with problems caused by an alcohol-induced hangover. It is recommended that dates should be peeled gently, dipped in water and eaten the next morning. After the party, eating some fruit munchies can help you feel more energized the next day.

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9. Acts as a Perfect Sweetener

Dates have a high fructose content which gives them their caramel-like sweetness. Grinding dates instead of white sugar to make a paste can make your food both sweet and nutritious.

10. Helps keep bowel movements healthy

Dates have a very high fiber level, which can be very helpful for people who have health problems due to irregular bowel movements. Dates have extraordinary effects on your nutrition and general health. They can promote healthy living and help your digestive system.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information and is not a substitute for expert advice. Zee News does not endorse it.)