Healthy Diet Tips: 3 Nutritionist-Approved Tips to Detox After Binge Eating

The festive season has arrived and hence the time has come for you to go on a bingeing spree. It’s that time of year when we have different festivals back-to-back. And we agree, no festival seems complete without indulging in a variety of sweet and savory dishes. As a result, we often fill ourselves up with delicious foods. While it is perfectly fine to binge on a particular day, what we need to keep in mind is proper health care. And the best way to do this is through detoxification. According to health experts, it is extremely important to flush out the toxins from the body. It helps in regulating metabolism, promotes digestion and also nourishes us from within.

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Keeping this in mind, celebrity nutritionist Lavneet Batra has put together some super easy tips to detox yourself after overeating. You too can follow these tips after eating out in the morning all year round. Lavneet Batra shared her tips on Instagram and wrote, “Had a binge eating session? Don’t worry, we all have days when we slip from our “healthy” diet and succumb to all the temptations. Can’t control themselves. ,

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3 tips to detox after binge eating – suggests nutritionist Lavneet Batra:

1. Start your day with Tulsi-Ginger Water:

Drinking basil-ginger water early in the morning is the best way to increase your digestive power. All you have to do is take water with basil leaves and ginger, strain the water and take a sip.

2. Consume soaked vegetables before breakfast:

Lavneet Batra recommends eating a spoonful of soaked sabja seeds in the morning. These seeds being rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) stimulate fat burning metabolism in the body. Plus, the fiber in sabja seeds helps promote digestion, aiding gut-health.

3. Add Sprouts to Your Breakfast Food:

Sprouted beans and legumes are loaded with many essential nutrients including protein, fiber, vitamins, etc. These nutrients help to keep us full for a long time and fill us up with energy. Plus, it helps slow down the “post-eating binge.”

See detailed post below:

Eat healthy, stay fit!

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In the matter of food, people or places, she only wants to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-rice and a good movie can make his day.