Healthy Living: 5 Nutritious Breakfast Foods to Lose Weight

Losing weight is difficult. It is also difficult to decide what to cook every day. But even more difficult is deciding what to eat when trying to lose weight. Consuming the wrong foods can ignite the cravings and derail your weight loss efforts. If, however, you choose a proper diet, eating can actually help you lose weight and keep you fuller for longer. Here are five healthy breakfast options that can help you shed those kilos:


Eggs are a primary breakfast ingredient for weight loss recipes. They are high in protein, vitamin and mineral content. They are low in calories and can help keep you feeling full for longer. A full stomach makes you less likely to snack later in the day. To boot, eggs can be prepared a number of ways (boiled, sun-side up, fried, canned, etc.) to give you a wider palate.


Oatmeal is one of the healthiest, most delicious breakfast options for losing weight. They contain soluble fiber, which reduces cholesterol as well as makes the stomach feel full. You can make them even more filling and nutritious by mixing them with half a cup of plain, nonfat Greek yogurt.

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This trendy superfood is packed with fiber and plant-based protein. It has a low glycemic index, is low in calories and gluten free. It is an insoluble fiber that increases fullness. You can enjoy your diet breakfast for weight loss by mixing cooked cereals with tomato, spinach, onion and a sprinkling of cumin.

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Sprouts are rich in plant-based proteins, which help reduce overeating and keep you full for longer. In addition, sprouts are a nutrient that is high in protein, calcium, fiber, vitamins, enzymes and minerals. You can eat sprouts cooked or uncooked with other vegetables and spices to taste!


Flax seeds are high in viscous, water-soluble fiber, which aids in weight loss by slowing down digestion and reducing calorie intake. They can be sprinkled over cereal or used to thicken morning smoothies.

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