Heard the roar of marginalized tigers after 27 years in Madhav National Park, released two tigers into the enclosure

CM Shivraj Singh and Union Jyotiraditya Scindia release Tigers at Madhav National Park

Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia on Friday released two tigers into the enclosures in the Balarpur range of Madhav National Park on the occasion of the 78th birth anniversary of former Union Minister Madhavrao Scindia. After 27 years, a tiger from Bandhavgarh and a male tiger from Satpura Tiger Reserve were brought here for the occasion. On this occasion, Jyotiraditya Scindia said that along with tourism, employment opportunities will also be created in the region due to the roar of the tiger. CM Shivraj Chouhan said that the cheetah-tiger has returned in this area. He said in English – Tiger as back to back came the voice – Tiger is still alive. Joker was a tiger in Madhav National Park from 1956 to 1998. Tiger was also fixed, but due to some reasons Tiger broke down suddenly and Tiger Fitness also lost its existence.

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Bhopal said that the mother from Bandhavgarh National Park and the male from Satpura National Park have been brought to Tigerpuri. See more of Three Tigers soon. Talking to ‘tiger friends’, the CM said, “We will alert people for the protection of tiger and wildlife that wildlife is our friend and we have to protect them.” Union Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said that after 27 years, tourists will now get an opportunity to see and hear the roar of tigers in Madhav National Park. In the second phase, 3 more Tigers will respond. He said that with the arrival of tigers, where there will be a balanced environment, there will be employment opportunities in various fields at the local level. Economic autonomy of the region as well.

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