Heart palpitations: what is it and when to see a doctor?

Last Update: February 28, 2023, 16:30 IST

If you have a history of heart disease and are experiencing frequent heart palpitations then you must consult your doctor. (Image: shutterstock)

While an episode of palpitations can heal very quickly and is not always harmful, if it is caused by heart disease, the person needs immediate medical attention.

Whether nervous just before an interview, excited for an occasion or indulging ourselves in an intense workout session, often all of us have experienced a moment where our heart starts racing. This experience of a fast heartbeat is called palpitations, which we mostly do not pay attention to and think that it will pass with time.

In addition, an episode of panic may last longer than usual and may be a sign of a deeper problem. If you experience frequent episodes of palpitations, it becomes important to know whether the experience is triggered by a heart condition or an anxiety attack.

Hence, to be aware of the same, Dr. Atul Mathur, Executive Director, Interventional Cardiology, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, in a conversation with The Indian Express elaborated on how the reason behind heart palpitations can be identified. Is. Claiming that all palpitations are not always due to heart disease, the expert revealed that most episodes are symptoms of anxiety attacks.

He explained that palpitations can be caused by certain medical conditions like fever and overactive thyroid, which can affect the hormonal balance. He further claimed that in both of these conditions, when the heart beats faster, when the pulse starts to increase, it can be an indicator of severe anemia. Continuing further he explained how one can recognize that the pulsation is caused by the heart.

The expert explained that the patient is undergoing “atrial tachycardia” when there is a rapid heartbeat in the upper chamber of the heart, medically termed as arrhythmia. This condition causes the heart rate to increase more than 100 beats per minute before reaching its normal range, which is 60 to 80 beats per minute. While these are harmless, a cardiac event can reportedly be caused by a “short circuit in the upper chamber”.

“As a result, the chambers shrink rapidly, which can impair heart function and cause symptoms such as dizziness or shortness of breath,” Dr. Mathur said.

He said that another condition is caused by “atrial fibrillation”. This condition occurs when the normal beat in the upper chambers of the heart becomes irregular resulting in abnormal blood flow than “from the atria to the lower chambers of the heart”.

When to see a doctor?

If you have a history of heart disease and are experiencing frequent heart palpitations then you must consult your doctor. Also, go to the medical room when you experience palpitations along with chest discomfort or pain, shortness of breath, fainting and severe dizziness.

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