Heart-wrenching video of man who surprised his mother with a gold chain went viral

The video has garnered over 9,000 views and over 1,000 likes.

A heartwarming video of a man surprising his mother with a priceless gift is going viral on social media. This 40-second clip was shared on Twitter by a user named ‘Gulzar Sahab’ on Monday. “Small gift for mom,” read the caption of the post in Hindi.

In the video, the man is seen surprising his mother by giving her a new gold chain. He is seen standing behind her while she is busy getting food for the family. Moments later, he is seen putting a gold chain around her neck.

Once the mother learns that she has been gifted a gold chain by her son, she is seen smiling in disbelief and carefully handling the chain.

Check out the video below:

Towards the end of the clip, the mother is also seen breaking down emotionally at the grand gesture.

Since being shared, the video has garnered over 9,000 views and over 1,000 likes. Internet users were just impressed with the man who bought his mother a gift to show her his love and care. He filled the comments section with words of appreciation. While one user wrote, “Very nice,” another simply commented “Best.”

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Meanwhile, talking about surprise, before this a video of one had come. man surprises his mother and wife It went viral after getting his dream job at Google. UI/UX designer and author Edwin Roy Netto, who landed a job as a product designer at Google, shared on Instagram how he was rejected by the tech giant multiple times since 2013, but kept trying .

He continued to work on his skills and resume until he was finally offered a job by Google. When he finally cleared the interview, he captured the reactions of his mother and wife, who were beaming with joy.

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