Helps increase sunlight growth, which can improve your health

Foods that improve eyesight:

special things

  • These elements are alive for the eyes.
  • Put a distance
  • The light in the eyes is also bright.

Eye Care: The bad winds (eye problems) caused by water filling or eye damage on mobile are worse. Have started taking care of eyes. To be well healthy are to be well healthy. Is.

this also further

These 5 nutritious ingredients are healthy for the eyes. 5 nutrients that are good for the eyes

Vitamin A

Stay healthy for nutrition. This also happens in case of deficiency of Vitamin A. Carrot (Carrot), Spinach and most Vitamin A to stay fit.

vitamin C

Vitamin C (Vitamin C) is good for well being. This is going to improve the IID. You can see through the camera. Oranges, linen, guava and seasonings are rich in vitamin C.


, The same is true in the proper condition to be healthy. The seeds, flesh and flesh of the (zinc) seed can go.

video e

Vitalites is a group of soluble physique-wats that belong to Codream Food. For this health to be healthy it is necessary to increase the I stats. Germ seeds, veggie germ and flaxseed oil are better to include in effective diets.

Executive -3

Ozone-3 for eyesight is too far to see. Acid Acid Acid Acid Acid Acid Acid Acid Acid

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Disclaimer: The content contained herein is general information. It is not a substitute for any type of doctor. Always consult an expert or doctor for more details. Claiming for news TV information.

Ganesh Chaturthi festival in bad weather of the country