Here are 5 different ways to eat pizza; 3 million views for funny videos

There is no dish as universally loved as pizza. A delicious, bready base is topped with a hearty tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, great toppings, and a drizzle of oregano seasoning! There are many regional variations of pizza depending on the country we are in. For example, in India, the restaurant has made a delicious pizza with paneer tikka. But did you know that there are many ways to eat pizza too? A recently surfaced viral video shows five different ways to eat pizza, and the clip gets funnier as it progresses. to keep track:

The video was shared on Instagram Reels by the handle @lionelfieldmusic, run by musician duo Emiliano and Matteo. They claim to be musicians by day and ‘pasta protectors’ by night. The clip has garnered over 3.1 million views and 270k likes since it was shared.

First viral clip Showed the ‘normal’ way of eating pizza, which was to hold it in hand and bite into it. Then, he showed up ‘New York’ style, which consisted of folding the pizza in half and then eating it. In this way also the approval of both was obtained. Next, he showed the ‘psycho’ way of eating pizza – starting with the first crust. Finally ‘The Correct Way’ was shown – rolling up the pizza and eating it with the crust on the outside and Toppings Inside!

(Also read: Pizza gone wrong? Viral pic has netizens divided on the right way to eat it,

This funny video got a lot of reactions and comments from Instagram users. One user wrote, ‘Italian police reached him before he was able to do the fifth way. “Why is everyone so outraged at pizza? #PizzaLivesMatter,” joked another. Some even said that they would like to eat Pizza With a fork and knife.

This is not the only video of the composer duo that has gone viral in recent times. They often share hilarious reactions to the weird cooking videos that makers share online. Recently, he had also reacted to a video of him cooked with pasta blueberries and milk, to keep track:

What did you think of the bizarre pizza-eating video? Which is your favorite way to eat pizza? Tell us in the comments below.

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking and meeting like-minded people (especially those who love Veg Momos). Plus points if you find his bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat.
