Here are some home remedies for thick eyebrows

Perfectly shaped eyebrows highlight one’s face and personality. Styles come and go but thick eyebrows are always in trend. Everyone wants to have good eyebrows, as they are one of the most noticeable aspects of one’s face. Many people have sparse and short eyebrows, and to make them thicker, you can either rely on salons or some home remedies. Although getting thick eyebrows overnight is not easy, some remedies do help and nothing works better than natural ones.

Here are the top 10 ways to grow thick eyebrows naturally:

Castor oil is full of fatty acids, vitamins, proteins and antioxidants that help in nourishing your hair follicles. Apply castor oil daily on the roots of your eyebrows. It promotes hair growth and also makes each hair thick and strong.

Coconut oil is a great moisturizer and conditioner for hair. It is great for improving blood circulation. It contains lauric acid, which acts as an antimicrobial agent and helps prevent infection in the hair follicles. You will see noticeable results after applying coconut oil on your eyebrows everyday.

Olive oil is rich in vitamins A and E, and they promote hair growth. You will see results only after a week of applying olive oil.

Onion juice contains a lot of vitamins B and C, selenium, sulfur and minerals which are helpful in hair growth. Onion juice helps the eyebrow hairs to grow faster. Apply it on your eyebrows every other day.

Fenugreek seeds are known to make hair healthy and shiny. Fenugreek paste or oil is good for rebuilding hair follicles. It contains nicotinic acid and proteins that promote hair growth.

Aloe vera contains aloin, which promotes hair growth. It opens the follicular pores and gets rid of excess oil, making the brows thicker. Aloe vera is useful for increasing thick eyebrows forever.

Petroleum jelly helps retain moisture. It helps your eyebrows grow longer and fuller.

Lemon is rich in folic acid, vitamins B and C and other nutrients. Lemon helps your brow hairs to grow faster than any other ingredient. If you feel a constant burning sensation, avoid it.

Egg yolk is a rich source of biotin which helps in faster growth of brow hairs. Use it two or three times a week and you will see a rapid growth rate.

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