Here is a Navratri Special Peanut Barfi Recipe that you can easily prepare

The festival of Navratri is here and this time too, the festivities are all about dancing to the beats of Garba and Dandiya songs, seeking blessings from Goddess Durga and of course indulging in some festive special food. When it comes to eating during Navratri, there are some restrictions as per tradition. But that doesn’t mean one can’t taste some of the delicious sweets that add to the joy of the nine-day festival. While many types of sweets are found in the markets, there is something special in Navratri. That’s why today we have brought the recipe of Peanut Katli by Chef Pankaj Bhadauria, which you can make at home without much hassle.

Read also: 5 Mughlai Curries Every Vegetarian Will Love


Peanuts – kg

Milk Powder – 1/3 cup

Sugar – 1 cups

Ghee – 1 tbsp


butter paper

Follow the easy steps given below to make peanut katli at home.

Step – Take 1 1/2 kg peanuts and roast them in a pan for some time.

Step – 2 Spread the peanuts on a dry cloth and rub it with your hands to remove the skin.

Step – 3 Put the roasted peanuts in the grinder and grind them to make a smooth powder.

Step – 4 Sieve the mixture to get rid of lumps and pieces of peanuts and get a smooth powder.

Step – 5 Combine the mixture with 1/3 cup milk powder in a bowl and keep aside.

Step – 6 Take a pan and add 1 cup sugar and cup water in it. Let the syrup come to a boil and cook it till the syrup attains the consistency of 2 strings.

Step – 7 Mix roasted peanut powder and sugar syrup together in a pan. Cook until the mixture starts leaving the sides of the pan.

Step – 8 Add 1 tbsp ghee to the mixture and spread it on butter paper.

Step – 9 Flatten the barfi mixture and cover with butter paper.

Step – 10 Use a rolling pin to flatten the barfi further and let it set for 2 hours.

Step – 11 Peel off the wax paper and put silver foil or work in it.

Step-12 Cut the barfi into equal square pieces and your peanut katli is ready.