High Blood Sugar Management: 10 Surprising Things That Can Increase Your Blood Sugar

High blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, occurs when you have too little insulin in your body or if your body can’t use insulin properly, a condition known as insulin resistance. Hyperglycemia usually means that you have diabetes and diabetics need to be very careful in terms of their daily routine and lifestyle. Long-term uncontrolled blood sugar levels can cause serious problems and affect vital organs such as the kidneys, heart and eyes. While diabetes can be a result of many factors, let’s examine 10 surprising things that can increase your blood sugar levels.


1. Dehydration

If you’re not drinking enough fluids, it turns out that your blood sugar levels can be affected. Sugar becomes more concentrated in your circulation, leading to hyperglycemia. People who are diabetic often pass more urine, which can lead to further dehydration. Therefore people with high blood sugar should be careful to drink enough water and other fluids to keep themselves hydrated.

2. Artificial Sweeteners

It may come as a surprise but some studies have shown that the use of artificial sweeteners can increase blood sugar levels. However, more studies are needed to establish this fact.

3. Lack of sleep

Sleep restores and repairs our bodies and a lack of sleep can not only leave you lethargic and tired, it can also affect your blood sugar levels. In fact, according to the US health agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), even just one night of too little sleep can cause your body to use insulin less, which can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels.

4. Skipping Breakfast

Skipping breakfast may not be a wise option if you want to control your blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that skipping breakfast can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels after lunch and dinner.

5. Extreme Weather

Extreme temperatures can interfere with diabetes control, be it scorching heat or freezing cold. For many people with diabetes, blood sugar rises as the temperature drops. Lack of physical activity and eating food rich in calories can be one of the reasons for this. On the other hand, high temperatures can change the way your body uses insulin. Therefore people with type 2 diabetes should be careful when exposed to extreme heat or cold.

6. ‘Dawn Phenomenon’

According to the Mayo Clinic, the “dawn phenomenon” occurs when the body prepares to wake up between 2 and 8 a.m. by releasing cortisol and other hormones. These hormones make the body less sensitive to insulin and people who have diabetes may experience a rise in blood sugar levels in the morning.

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7. Gum disease

Gum disease can both cause an increase in blood sugar levels and can also be a manifestation of increased blood sugar levels.

8. Coffee

Caffeine triggers a hormonal response in our body and can cause blood sugar spikes in some people. Some people’s blood sugar is extra sensitive to caffeine and it can rise even when you’re not adding sweeteners.

9. Medicines

Some medicines can interfere with your blood sugar levels. For example, there are some nose sprays that contain chemicals that trigger your liver to make more blood sugar. So they can spike insulin levels.

10. Traveling

When your routine is disrupted, blood sugar levels can go for a toss. Your body may face additional stress in terms of changes in diet and sleep patterns, especially when you’re traveling and crossing time zones. This, in turn, can spike your blood sugar.

(This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)