High blood sugar management: 5 lifestyle changes for pre-diabetics to stay healthy

Pre-diabetes Management: For many people in India, especially those in the older age group, diabetes is a lifestyle condition that they live with on a daily basis. However, diabetes is also becoming more common in younger age groups, becoming a growing public health issue. After China, India is the country with the second highest prevalence of diabetes, with an estimated 77 million individuals – or roughly 1 in 11 Indians – having the disease.

Pre-diabetes is a condition or stage that occurs before diabetes, where the body’s blood glucose levels are elevated but not yet high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes. The National Urban Diabetes Survey estimates that our country has a staggering 14 percent prevalence of pre-diabetes, more commonly known as borderline diabetes. Due to the absence or minimal visibility of symptoms, many people in their 30s and 40s may be pre-diabetic without even knowing it. If diabetes runs in your family, you are at risk of developing it yourself. Nevertheless, by making changes in diet and lifestyle, pre-diabetes can still be reversed and treated to some extent.

Here are some precautions and tips that can be kept in mind to stay healthy as a pre-diabetic:

move around

Sitting is the new smoking. A sedentary lifestyle is known to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Regular exercise and workouts approved by a trainer or doctor help manage pre-diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels. Plus, being active can improve insulin sensitivity throughout the body. It can also help you manage your weight which is important to not go into diabetes. Try brisk walking, jogging and running, and gradually introduce more aerobic exercise such as dancing and biking/cycling.

Also Read: High Blood Sugar Control: 5 Foods To Avoid If You Are Pre-Diabetic – Check List

weight management

Did you know that being overweight or having a body mass index greater than 25 can increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes? If you are diagnosed with pre-diabetes, gradually losing 5-10 percent of your body weight can greatly improve your chances of delaying or reversing the spread of diabetes. Ask a trainer to help you focus on your midsection for belly fat, as a large waist circumference is known to put a person at an increased risk of diabetes.

keep stress away

Stress can make you sick, but it can also make you pre-diabetic, or at least make your condition worse. An imbalance of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline — known for the fight or flight response — can trigger blood sugar levels to shoot up and stay high. Carve out time for adequate rejuvenation on your schedule, and make sure not to put pressure on yourself to work like a machine. Find time to laugh and spend time with friends and family. Schedule time for walking, gardening, or other hobbies that help you reduce stress.

see what’s on your plate

Consider the composition of your meals. Is there an adequate balance between proteins, carbohydrates, fats and essential vitamins and minerals? For a healthy portion, pre-diabetics should fill half of their plate with non-starchy vegetables and leafy greens, and the rest with healthy carbohydrates, whole grains and lean proteins. Stocking up on fiber will ensure satiety without spiking blood sugar. Snack on nuts and fruits, even if they taste sweet. It should be remembered that they have natural sugar.

avoid drinking your sugar

Added sugars should be avoided at all costs to avoid an increase in diabetes. Sweetened beverages can spike blood sugar levels and provide little nutritional variety, such as protein. This includes energy drinks, soft drinks and any syrup or liquid dessert. Research says that consuming a daily serving of a sugary beverage with low-calorie alternatives like water, coffee, or tea is associated with a 2-10 percent lower risk of diabetes.

(Dr. Vivek Srivastava, Senior Vice President, Zone Lifesciences)