High Court’s decisions will have far-reaching impact: Kodiarik

The government is stopping. workers joining the strike

The government is stopping. workers joining the strike

Communist Party of India (Marxist) [CPI(M)] State Secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan has said that the Kerala High Court’s direction to the state government to restrain government employees from participating in the strike will have far-reaching effects on trade union activities and individual rights.

Speaking after hoisting the flag in connection with the 23rd Party Congress of the CPI(M) here on Tuesday, Mr Balakrishnan said the court’s order barring government employees from participating in the two-day nationwide strike was reminiscent of the old days. period of emergency.

He recalled that the strikes and struggles have brought about significant systemic changes in the country. In the pre-independence era, workers protested against the British without permission. Even then the judiciary was contrary to the interests of the working class, Mr. Balakrishnan said.

“Depriving the right to protest is a challenge to democracy,” he said.

The CPI(M) leader said such court decisions would not only affect the national strike but would also affect the right of the employees to strike if there is any problem in salary hike and benefits.

He said that the government had declared ‘Days Non’ as per the direction of the High Court. He said that there is a new challenge before the government employees and they have the right to question it.

Mr Balakrishnan asked the protesters not to jam vehicles during the strike. People should come forward and take part in the strike. He said that there was more participation in the strike than ever before.