Higher male fertility linked to physically demanding jobs, study says

Male Fertility: According to a new study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham Healthcare System, T.S. was published in Human Reproduction, part of the Environment and Reproductive Health (Earth) group, which states that men who frequently lift heavy objects at work have higher sperm counts.

“We already know that exercise is associated with many health benefits in humans, including those seen on reproductive health, but few studies have looked at how occupational factors may contribute to these benefits,” said first author Lydia Mingwez —said Alarcon, a reproductive epidemiologist. Brigham’s Channing Division of Network Medicine and co-investigator of the Earth study.

“These new findings suggest that even physical activity during work may be associated with significant improvements in men’s fertility.” Infertility is a growing problem, and it can be caused by a variety of complex factors. However, about 40% of infertility cases can be traced to male factors, such as sperm count, semen quality, and sexual function.

Specifically, sperm count and semen quality are thought to be key drivers of rising infertility rates among men – a previous analysis led by the EARTH study team found that among men seeking fertility treatment, sperm count and quality Down to 42. % between 2000 and 2017.

“In addition, there is increasing evidence that male infertility is associated with common chronic diseases such as heart disease and autoimmune disease, highlighting the widespread importance of male reproductive health,” Minguez-Alarcon said. The Earth Study is a collaboration between the Harvard T. Chan School of Public Health and Mass General Brigham to evaluate the impact of environmental and lifestyle factors on fertility.

EARTH collected samples and survey data from more than 1,500 men and women, and the current study focused on a subset of these participants, including 377 male partners of couples receiving treatment at a fertility center. The researchers found that men who reported frequently lifting or moving heavy objects at work had 46% higher sperm concentration and 44% higher total sperm count than those in less physical jobs.

Men who reported more physical activity at work also had higher levels of the male sex hormone testosterone and the female hormone estrogen. gender, but in different amounts,” Minguez-Alarcon said. “In this case, we hypothesize that excess testosterone is being converted to estrogen, which is important for the body to maintain normal levels of both hormones.” There is a known method.

“While the current study found an association between physical activity and fertility in men seeking fertility treatment, it will take further research to confirm whether these findings hold for men in the general population. The researchers also hope that Future studies will reveal the underlying biological mechanisms at play.

“Reproductive health is important in its own right, but more and more evidence suggests that male infertility can provide us with insight into broader public health issues, including the most common chronic diseases,” Minguez-Alarcon said. “Uncovering actionable steps people can take to improve their fertility will benefit all of us, not just couples trying to conceive.”