Hindu organizations protest Chidambaram demanding arrest of YouTuber

Various Hindu organizations on Monday protested at Bolanarayanan Street in Chidambaram and demanded action against the man running YouTube channel ‘U2 Brutus’ for his derogatory reference to Lord Nataraja and Thillai Kali Amman Koil.

The protests led by Shiva Damodaran Swamigal, the chairman of the Shivnadiyar Coordination Committee, demanded the immediate arrest of the person behind the YouTube channel. He said that several complaints have been filed against ‘minor’ Vijay for making derogatory remarks against Lord Shiva in the channel.

Addressing the gathering, Shri Damodaran said that despite the police complaint being lodged at many places, no action has been initiated against the person. He said that if the police did not arrest the person, the agitation would be intensified in the coming days.

Arjun Sampath, president of Hindu Makkal Katchi also participated in the protest.