History Lessons: On Changing Chinese Politics Under Xi Jinping’s Leadership

After its Central Committee meeting last week, the Communist Party of China called it “”.Resolution on the major achievements and historical experience of the party in the last centuryDirectly about the past, it still holds great importance for the future of China. It is only … Third such resolution passed by the party in its 100 year history. The two previous resolutions, passed by Mao Zedong in 1945 and Deng Xiaoping in 1981, marked significant turning points in Chinese politics, and established them as the key leaders of their respective generations. The full text of the latest resolution has not been made public, but the 5,000-word release issued after the conclusion of the four-day plenum gives a taste. It praises the contributions of Mao, Deng and current leader Xi Jinping. It differs in one important aspect from the previous resolution of 1981, which acknowledged Mao’s mistakes that led to the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), in which the party’s history was without blame. “Looking at the party’s efforts over the past century,” it speculates, “we can see why we were successful in the past and how we may be successful in the future.”

Explaining why the party saw the need for a new landmark resolution, the communique stated that the party “needs to maintain political integrity, think in terms of the big picture, adhere to the core of leadership and remain in alignment”. wants to strengthen our consciousness. Praising the leadership “solved many difficult problems … never solved and accomplished many things that were wanted but never done”. strongly uphold … and uphold the authority of the Central Committee … to ensure that all party members act together”. The importance of the resolutions of 1945 and 1981 lies not in their reflections on the past, but in This is how they change the exercise of power, bringing dramatic consequences for China’s future. Will take First established Mao’s ideology as the guiding ideology of the party. By doing so he made questioning Mao a heresy and paved the way for the creation of his destructive personality cult. In 1981, Deng also established his dominance, but used his power to end rule by ideology, instead turning the party’s attention to development and bringing China into its era of reform and opening up. Now, 40 years after Deng, as China’s current leader seeks to inscribe his place in the party’s history, the past may be held in honor, but it will not be allowed to determine the outline of the future when the country is in another Prepares to take political turn.
