Home remedies for acidity: 7 ways to get relief from heartburn

Acidity home remedies: Acid reflux or acidity or heartburn can be due to an underlying medical condition, or sometimes, it can also be caused by medication. But, the primary reason why acid reflux starts is your diet and lifestyle choices. Here are some common triggers of heartburn:

  • overeating or eating too fast
  • lying down immediately after eating
  • consuming foods high in caffeine, alcohol, peppermint, citrus, chocolate and fatty or even spicy foods
  • smoking
  • stress and anxiety

Try these home remedies to get relief from acidity:

sugar free gum

In case of acidity, chew sugar-free gum as it increases the production of saliva which helps in reducing heartburn. This is because saliva stimulates swallowing to keep the acid down and, thus, neutralizes stomach acid.

Avoid Trigger Foods

It is public knowledge that certain foods and drinks can trigger acid reflux. Thus, you should keep a log so that it becomes easier for you to identify the specific foods that are most likely to cause problems. Once you know what these foods are, avoid these foods and drinks.

don’t eat too much

Check portion sizes in meals to prevent heartburn. Excess food in your stomach can put pressure on the valve that carries stomach acid out of your esophagus, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn. Eat small meals and take time to chew the food.

Ripe banana can help

The high potassium content in banana makes it an alkaline food. Thus, it helps reduce stomach acid that irritates your esophagus.

Be sure to choose a ripe banana as raw bananas are less alkaline and not as effective.


Jaggery contains both potassium and magnesium which makes it essential for maintaining pH balance. It also increases the production of mucus in the stomach lining which further prevents acid overload.


To get relief from the problem of acidity and gas, all you have to do is consume ajwain. It is also good for digestion and is also an anti-acid agent.


Sucking a piece of clove to combat acidity can yield fruitful results. It cures indigestion, nausea, gastric irritability etc.