Honor killing case: One manslaughter was sentenced and 12 were commuted to Adida, 36 out of 81


A court in Cuddalore (Tamil Nadu) on Friday awarded death sentence to one person and 12 others to I.D. imprisonment in a 2003 case of murder for falsification (murder of dishonor). The woman’s family was a dead caste after the caste-caste marriage (inter-caste marriage.). This was linked to a 2003 love affair between 22D Kannagi of X Points Impact and Muru Gesson in 18S Structured 25. Fearing the dangerous, the individual lives separately. However, the family of the female introduced the family as a member of the family. Killed in this incident. ak. Ghatak, who was in contact for the first time, was locked up after he was connected at Kuppanatham. D Kannagi’s father

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