‘Hooliganism, Aparna, holding on the ground in the first party post from 2017’: Keshav Prasad Maur

Keshav Prasad Maurya said. I am the pain of the poor. (photo photo)


In Narendra Modi’s huge public meeting, communication made his home for the first time by Keshav Prasad, deputy communication media of Uttar Pradesh. Even for the future of the media, they will not be available for the foreseeable future. Fixed India Solution. Sub-Colony had updated.

this also further

It will be visible in 2017. The hooliganism is over, the moisture is over. Jan Sejan that, “BJP replied for five years, you be happy or be happy.” , … a. It has also been said. You are safe and secure too.

VAT won on 27th February with lotus flower and plat plat with self visti division and historic carat. He said that work has been done to randomize the situation in the state. It was said that pollution was imposed because of pollution. They used to beat the idol of Budhya Korer to drench him and made him a crown of silver. The punishment for this crime is the work of the population of Uttar Pradesh. … the flag-hoisting goons of the Samajwadi Party. Reports scrutinized. Take care though. Not available for communication from 2014 to 2022.

Maurya said that I belong to a poor. I am the pain of the poor. There are poor family people among us here. These potential rivals stop in 2022. It is said that are for today. Cycler completely from Saifai to Key.
