Horn Please: The Trippy Psychedelic World of Truck Art

We are all familiar with “Horn OK Please” and “Dekho Magar Pyaar Se” painted on trucks in India. But, truck art is much more than that. Let’s delve deeper into the trippy psychedelic world of truck art to find out more.


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Truckers swear by the concept of ‘home away from home’ when it comes to their trucks. And rightly so, given that most truck drivers spend about ten months out of twelve scaling highways across the country. And to add flavor to this slow and sometimes secluded journey, these houses on wheels are decorated with a mix of bright colors, quirky slogans, religious symbols and political symbols; Mostly individual to the taste of the driver and owner.


photo credit: unknown

When you look beyond the brilliance and beauty of these embellishments, you’ll see that more than anything, it’s a way of communication for these drivers. Being a reflection of their preferences, inclinations and where they come from, these art-forms function as a language without speech. And this communication is more important than we think. India is spread over 1,42,126 km of national highways. Most states do not allow truck drivers to drive during the day, forcing them to drive long distances at night. And it’s no child’s play, especially with the monotony of the long and winding empty streets. Another moving vehicle and a lively truck passing over it assures that no one is alone. And sometimes, that’s all a refresher needs.


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Truck art has come a long way from mere folk-inspired hand painted birds and flowers to graphic stickers of famous Bollywood movie stars and movies. With traditional methods of breaking a sweat and drawing intricate details by hand now waning, modern printing techniques have opened doors to new dimensions. Modern trucks can be seen adorning three-dimensional designs with jazzier colors. Until now, truck artists, who have been in the painting profession for generations, have resorted to print-and-stick art to sustain themselves. That said, most truck drivers believe in personalizing their trucks themselves by using old brushes and paint. And, they take great pride in it. And why not, these trucks act as a canvas to showcase their creativity, and also act as conversation starters at highway dhabas.


photo credit: unknown

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But, truck art isn’t just limited to exteriors. Step inside and you’ll be able to tell pretty well everything about the person driving. Portraits of their wives and children, statues of deities, a temporary shrine from time to time, items for the memory of their loved ones, and to keep inauspicious objects at bay are some of the adornments that can be seen. In addition, there are the usual suspects that can be found inside the actual home such as curtains, bedding, utensils, decorative decorations, and lights in various colors. After all, comfort brings the most happiness. As for us non-truckers, the joy lies in the extravagant play of these trucks that brighten up most monotonous trips.

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