How authentic are the Ayurvedic oils used in cosmetic rituals?

For centuries, the medical discipline of Ayurveda has been a trusted tool for maintaining our internal and physical health. People rely on Ayurvedic products to protect their skin from problems related to the environment in general and climate change in particular, which causes the skin to lose its lasting glow. Additionally, she had a strong desire to incorporate effective skin care practices into her daily life. Although there are many products in the market, one must be careful in selecting the best products for one’s skin as it is important to choose all-natural products that follow ancient Ayurvedic practices. Kumkumdi oil, also known as Kumkumdi in the market and derived from the ancient ingredients of Ayurveda, is a face serum oil that everyone should use in their regular skin care routine.

According to Ayurveda, this facial oil is a miraculous remedy, which when used repeatedly, makes the skin glow like a full moon. This facial oil gives us a youthful look while brightening and renewing the skin cells. However, there is a lot of uncertainty in the market at present regarding the difference between Kumkumdi and Kumkumdi oil. So let us compare the two to determine which is the right Ayurvedic beauty oil for healthy skin.

Authenticity war between Kumkumdi and Kumkumdi

According to the commonly cited ancient Ayurvedic literature, the original name of this oil was Kumkumdi, not Kumkumdi. Ancient texts such as Yogaratnakara, Kshudrarogdhikara (p. 740), and Ayurvedic medicine India (API), an official document describing manufacturing standards, provides evidence for such claims. These old texts present the exact recipe for true kunkumadi. Similarly, genuine Ayurveda businesses manufacture formulas by closely following the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia.

Natural Kumkumadi oil is made using a special method described in the ancient book, using over 20 herbs, intended to impart a full moon-like glow. Kumkumadi has an original formulation and composition. The finest Kashmiri saffron, or kumkum in Hindi, is mixed with twenty additional herbs that promote radiance, including lotus, manjistha, sandalwood, lodhara, usheer, etc. To maintain its high quality, kumkumadi oil is also handcrafted in modest quantities and prepared using the original Murchit sesame method. For centuries, renowned herbalists have advocated using this magical oil to improve the beauty of queens and kings. When properly prepared, it has an incredible effect on the skin, even down to the name and preparation method.

On the other hand, not all herbs listed in the traditional formula are used to make kumquat oil, which has flooded the market. It is processed only according to the traditional method and contains or emphasizes only herbs such as saffron. Most brands also deceive customers by hiding the entire composition of the product on the package, making it difficult for customers to make the best decision. As a result, the formulation of Kumkudi oil is very different from the original Kumkudi oil.

ground level:
When consumers buy genuine Kumkumadi oil keeping the above in mind, their skin benefits a lot. Kunkumadi oil is the only solution for dull and damaged skin and to maintain general skin health. It can rebuild skin texture, delay the aging process and reduce blemishes.

With inputs from Sanchit Sharma, founder and director of Ayurveda.

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