How can we win against the Omicron version? WHO lists action plan

Due to the increase in the number of cases of the Omicron type of coronavirus around the world, World Health Organization (WHO) took to Twitter on Saturday to list the protocols that we need to follow to win the war against COVID.

“We can all win against Omicron if we: get vaccinated, keep a safe distance and avoid crowds, wear a well-fitting mask, keep indoor spaces well ventilated by opening windows to bring in fresh air, keeping hands Frequently sanitize, cover coughs and sneezes (sic),” WHO said.

It has been said by the United Nations health agency that 90 million cases of the coronavirus have been reported since the Omicron version was first identified 10 weeks ago – more than in all of 2020, the first of the Covid-19 pandemic. first year.

With many countries easing their restrictive measures amid public fatigue about them, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus cautioned that Omicron should not be underestimated, even if it is a less severe disease than earlier variants. have been shown to bring – and cited “a very worrying increase in deaths”. in most areas of the world.”

“We are concerned that a narrative has taken hold in some countries that because of vaccines – and because of the high transmissibility and low severity of Omicron – preventing transmission is no longer possible and no longer necessary,” he said.

“Nothing could be further from the truth. It is premature for any country to surrender or declare victory. This virus is dangerous and it keeps evolving before our eyes,” Tedros said.

The WHO said there was an increasing trend of deaths in four of its six regions around the world, even as several European countries began easing lockdown measures, including Britain, France, Ireland and the Netherlands .

“Now is not the time to lift everything together. We have always urged – always urged – to be careful in implementing interventions as well as in lifting those interventions in a steady and slow way, piecemeal,” said Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead on COVID-19 .

WHO emergencies chief Dr Michael Ryan said countries with high vaccination rates have “more options” about easing their restrictions, but added that they need to know about their current epidemiology, at-risk populations, immunity in populations and Factors such as accessibility should be assessed. For health care equipment to fight the pandemic.

Speaking to the governments of the countries, he said: “Every country must find its feet, know where it is, know where it wants to go, and chart its way … What countries are doing. But please don’t blindly follow what every other country is doing.”

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