How to clean copper and brass utensils: An easy and effective solution

If you have ever explored your grandparents’ kitchen, you would have come across a lot of copper and brass utensils. Even today some people use traditional utensils for cooking and serving. It is said that water stored in a copper vessel is good for health. Some experts recommend against cooking salty and sour foods in pots because the salt can react with them and spoil the food. But the rest of the food items cooked in these utensils are known to benefit health in many ways. It is also believed that food remains hot in these utensils.

Having copper and brass utensils in the kitchen may be a good idea, but they pose a problem when it comes to cleaning them. Even if not used for cooking, these utensils turn black after some time. Regular soap and water solutions don’t work, and constant scrubbing doesn’t give good results either.

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We found an amazing hack to get these utensils clean without scrubbing and scrubbing. You don’t even need to use your hands for cleaning! The video has been posted on the YouTube channel ‘Cooking with Reshu’ and food vlogger Reshu suggests an easy tip to clean copper and brass utensils. She even performed it in the video.

How to clean copper and brass utensils:

The vlogger shared the recipe for a simple cleaning solution made with salt and citric acid. Citric acid, also known as ‘nimbu ka phool’ in Hindi, is easily available at local departmental stores.

To make the solution, add equal amounts of salt and citric acid in a bowl. This recipe adds two teaspoons of salt and two teaspoons of citric acid. Then add one cup of water and mix well till the salt dissolves completely.

Read also: Kitchen Tips: How To Easily Clean Your Baking Oven

Now to clean plates like copper and brass flat utensils, just keep them immersed in the solution for a few minutes and rinse with plain water. To clean glasses, bowls, and bottles, all you have to do is swish the solution around for a few minutes, and you’ll see the dishes return to their original color in no time.

The video claims that this solution works like magic to clean copper and brass utensils. We have to try it ourselves to believe it. Would You Try This Cleaning Hack Too?

About Neha GroverThe love of reading awakened his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of a deep set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she’s not pouring her thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on a cup of coffee.