How to clean gold jewelry at home?

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There are many reasons why gold trinkets, both new and old, lose their luster over time. Regular use is considered to be the most common reason for your gold jewelery losing its natural shine. The longer you wear them, the less shine and luster they will have. Not only that though. Many variables erode the natural luster of gold, from grime to cosmetics and common chemicals. The perfume and moisturizer you use on your skin can also damage your sleep.

You don’t have to go to the jeweler every time your gold necklace or earrings start losing their luster. We are here to suggest some simple and effective tips to clean your gold jewelery at home.

* One of the easiest and most effective ways is to clean your gold jewelry with a toothbrush.

*Don’t be pessimistic! You can clean your plain gold necklaces, bracelets, earrings, bangles and other decorations with a simple soap and water solution. Cleaning your original gold jewelry with soapy water removes dirt and oils that have accumulated over time. This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to restore the luster of your gold jewelry.

* So, how can you clean your plain gold jewelry with soap and water? let us see.

* Begin by filling a basin halfway with warm water. Mix in mild soap to make a solution. To make a solution, add a few drops of mild detergent or dishwashing solution to the water.

* Immerse your gold jewelry in the solution. Allow soaking time for 15-20 minutes. After that, wash it off with cool water and put it on a nice, dry cloth or towel. Let it dry completely in the open air.

* Use a soft-bristled brush to remove dirt from nooks and crannies. But do not rub the jewelery too vigorously. Remember to keep it safe and secure, preferably in a jewelery box. This soap-water-brush process can be used to clean yellow, white and rose gold jewellery.

* The water should neither boil nor should it be cold. You can also use sodium-free seltzer water or club soda instead of tap water.

* The dirt accumulated in your jewelry will be removed from these carbonated liquids. You can get a professional jewelery cleaning solution for your home as well.

“Cleaning your gold jewelry with gems, however, you shouldn’t follow this process to clean gemstone jewelry. Owning and wearing gold jewelery with jewelry is an amazing adventure. Any gemstone , from precious stones like diamonds and rubies to semi-precious stones. Like topaz and tourmaline, gold exudes beauty. Never submerge gem-studded jewelery in water, even if you use a soapy water solution ,” says Dishi Somani, director, Dish Designer Jewellery.

“Soaking it can cause water to build up on the setting, which can cause it to discolor or discolor over time. Instead, rinse it out and clean it using a soft toothbrush, such as a baby toothbrush. Make sure to use a soft toothbrush.” Check your jewelery before washing for any loose stones. Let it dry completely before storing it. Check that the water is not too hot, especially if your jewelery contains delicate gemstones such as opal. “
