How to detox your skin after the festive season – Times of India

Festive season is here again. As always, shopping and partying is the craze. During this festive period many of us are busy with shopping for the perfect present, spending time with family and friends and planning, so it is easy to forget our skin. Skin is a fingerprint of what is happening inside our body. Therefore, the focus is not only on the external use of creams and lotions but also on what we eat. Today, in the beauty industry, the power of vitamins, minerals and nutrients is paramount for a more healthy and youthful glow.

Detox your skin and feel light and refreshed during the festive season without ridding your skin of all unwanted toxins

natural cleanser

Cold milk is rich in lactic acid, plus it acts as a soothing agent and a good cleanser

Yogurt again rich in lactic acid a natural alpha hydroxy acid with cleansing and soothing properties that acts as a gentle exfoliant

Pumpkin puree can help with being rich in antioxidants with A and C and zinc. It soothes and moisturizes the skin, has a gentle alpha hydroxy action while the rich beta carotene anti oxidants nourish the skin.

Avoid drinking cold water immediately out of the fridge after a workout, just to keep your back from exercising to keep coughs and colds away.

Since its party season do not consume much alcohol and try to counter balance with adequate water intake to help flush out all the toxins.

The breakout of pimples and spots can be troublesome. Studies suggest that scars found on certain parts of the face can be signs of specific health problems such as a poor digestive system that requires detoxing, too much alcohol or dairy that has ruined the liver, or even Haven’t even consumed enough water for kidney function. Avoid kidney-destroying habits such as frequent delays in nature, drinking too much coffee or alcohol, lack of minerals, lack of sleep. Drink lots of water to flush the kidneys.

Your upper cheeks represent asthma and lung infections, they can also leave acne.

Learn about some of the key nutrients and their importance in our diet during the festive season:


essential in the formation of hemoglobin

Iron deficiency causes hair fall and dark circles

Eat spinach, soybean, kidney beans, egg yolk, whole grains, sesame


Zinc deficiency can cause acne, ridges or hair loss

Zinc helps clear the skin of acne by reducing sebum production

Eat oysters, meat, poultry products, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, nuts, beans, dairy products.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, DMAE and Coenzyme Q10

Alpha Lipoic Acid helps in smoothing the skin and reduces the signs of ageing

DMAE and Coenzyme q10 are powerful antioxidants that protect against free radical damage

The best sources are shellfish, spinach, nuts.

So this festival season take proper care of your skin by detoxing it.

Satish Bhatia, MD FAAD board certified dermatologist and skin surgeon.
