How to encourage a good brother-sister relationship?

Do you think your children have a good sibling relationship? Do they fight more than they enjoy each other’s company? As a parent, it is important to make sure that your children bond well with each other and can work together by encouraging teamwork, involving siblings to play together, and addressing their issues constructively. reduce rivalry and conflict by helping to resolve

Parents make the home a healthy and safe place to ensure that children grow up feeling loved and safe in a healthy environment.

A strong sibling bond often plays a major role in how they will form other relationships and interact with their friends or peers or romantic partners in life. Licensed marriage and family therapist, Emily H. Sanders talked about promoting healthy sibling behavior in a recent Instagram post.

He said that children should not be forced or molested. She said that every child adds a new dynamic to the home, so it can end with sibling fights.

She shared 5 tips for parents to avoid siblings-

1. Prejudice or preferential treatment towards a sibling and comparing them is a sure way to ignite sibling rivalry and create resentment.

2. Creating competition between siblings or pitting them against each other and comparing their actions or results to motivate others will only make them resentful towards the other.

3. Setting an example for one sibling and asking the other to follow will create insecurity and tension.

4. Forcing Siblings into Caring Roles

5. Not taking any action against indecent behavior

Emily shares tips for parents to have a healthy relationship with siblings-

1. She recommends celebrating and respecting differences between siblings

2. She urges parents to do chores for siblings to do together, such as setting a timer and picking up their toys together.

3. Emily believes that parents should avoid stopping small talk between children, but should intervene if they become cruel or disrespectful towards the other.

4. She recommends encouraging activities like dancing, laughing and playing together as this releases the hormone oxytocin.

5. She reminds parents that their relationship with each sibling is extremely important. Safety with their parents is essential for them to feel safe and healthy.

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